It’s Monday morning and you’ve got a list of tasks that are a mile long. There’s a lot to do and you just hit the ground running. You sprint really, really hard to try and get everything done. But a lot of the time, not everything does get done and we get tired in the process of running really hard. We need to think of work not as a sprint, but as a marathon. It’s a long race and a long game, and the work is probably never going to be going to end. We want to make our work sustainable. 

It is critical to not only be productive and efficient but also to ensure that our work is long-term sustainable. Assessing our workloads, prioritizing tasks, and creating a roadmap for the work that needs to be done is all part of sustainable work practices. In this blog post, we will look at how we can make our work more sustainable and ensure that we can keep performing at our peak.

There are three things that we can do at the start of each week and the start of each day to prepare for the work ahead.


The first one is to assess what we have. If you’ve got a list of things to do, that’s a really good place to start. It’s to have that awareness of what needs to be done, but also to add to that the resources that are required, who the other people are who you need to be working with, collaborating with, and to assess how you are going to achieve these things. This entails taking the time to assess whether our schedules, tasks, and deadlines are manageable or not. It’s critical to be realistic about how much we can accomplish in a day, week, or month, and to avoid overburdening ourselves with tasks or unrealistic expectations. We can avoid burnout by being aware of our workloads and ensuring that we have the capacity to perform at our best.


 The second thing is to prioritise these tasks and these needs. We can’t just start with the simplest thing or the hardest thing. We need to evaluate through some criteria what is going to be the most important thing to have the biggest impact at the right time. We must prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency after we have assessed our workloads. This means determining the tasks that are critical to our goals or deadlines and prioritizing them. We should also consider how each task affects our productivity and well-being. Taking regular breaks, for example, or delegating tasks, can help us be more productive and avoid burnout. We can focus on the most important work and avoid wasting time on less important or non-urgent tasks by prioritizing tasks.


And then the third part is to come up with a plan or roadmap for the work that is going to be done at this time as well. This requires us to pare down our work into manageable chunks and develop a plan outlining the steps we need to take to achieve our objectives. The plan should include timelines, milestones, and deadlines, as well as any resources or assistance that we may require to finish the work. It’s also critical to be adaptable and adjust the plan as needed in response to shifting priorities or unexpected challenges. 

Now, I like having a plan of action, but I also know that in reality, things do change. Different factors come in throughout the day, and throughout the week that have to change the course that we take. And so we need to be flexible and adaptable with that plan. So it’s good to have a plan, but we also need to recognise that we need to be adaptable. Assess and prioritize and plan; they’re the keys to making work sustainable and doing that process and having that as a rhythm of work at the start of each day, at the start of each week. 


Creating a sustainable work environment encompasses more than just these three steps, but they are necessary first steps. Taking regular breaks, seeking support from colleagues or mentors, and practicing self-care are some additional strategies that can help make work more sustainable. It’s also critical to prioritize work-life balance and avoid working excessively long hours or sacrificing our personal lives for the sake of our jobs.

Making work sustainable calls for evaluating our workloads, prioritizing tasks, and developing a plan or roadmap for the work that must be completed. We can avoid burnout, focus on the most important work, and make progress toward our goals by doing so. It is critical to be realistic about our abilities and to avoid overburdening ourselves with too many tasks. We should also prioritize self-care and work-life balance, and when necessary, seek help from colleagues or mentors. By taking these steps, we can improve the sustainability, productivity, and fulfillment of our work.

Reach out to us and discover how we can support you to make your work more sustainable.


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3. Book a strategy call

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4. Work with me and my team privately

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