Work is often not easy and when you work in a team, a lot of people contribute to create something important, something that will benefit others. There are seasons when work is long and hard, and for some people, it doesn’t seem to ever stop. There are constantly people to attend to, issues to address, and reports to write. It can feel like putting out fires every single day. In any organization, team members are the lifeline that keeps the work moving forward. 

The team’s success is not only measured by its output but also by the attitude, engagement, and collaboration of its members. One of the most overlooked but powerful ways to strengthen this bond is by taking the time to celebrate your team’s achievements. Celebrating your team is essential for building a strong culture and creating a positive work environment.

Time to review

We start on a Monday and we get to a Friday and there is a whole lot of time that has been invested. And it’s good to take stock and look at what has been achieved and recognise who has contributed to that success throughout the week. 

Do you take the time each week to step back just for a few minutes and to look at what you’ve achieved and celebrate the wins and the things that you’ve done? 

Some results are going to be really obvious like when a task or project is complete, when a milestone or deadline is met. Sometimes you can measure projects that have progressed forward. They might not be finished, but they’ve progressed forward. 

I know for myself that there are some days in some weeks where I feel that I haven’t really achieved anything at all, that they’ve felt really unproductive. And I love to be effective and I like to get things done. But the reality is that not every day and every week can actually be that way. 

A time to plant seeds

The way that I try to view this is that this time is not wasted, that it is like planting seeds and nothing is showing above the ground, but work is happening underneath the surface. This work needs to take place even though it doesn’t seem very fruitful at the time. I need to remind myself that this work is not wasted, although this can be really hard to embrace at the time. It’s important to understand this, because if I work 40 hours in a week, then this time and energy spent is not pointless and will produce a result or learning down the track. 

(Ericka: link to scaffolding somewhere in this paragraph… even add a sentence about scaffolding to bridge the two posts)

Celebrate the Progress

It is essential to celebrate small wins as much as it is important to celebrate big wins. Celebrating small wins creates a sense of momentum and progress, which can be a powerful motivator. It is easy to get caught up in the big picture and forget the little milestones along the way. Celebrating small wins can help the team to see the progress they have made and the value of their contribution.

I encourage you at the end of each week to spend five or 10 minutes to review progress.  Even in the midst of a busy schedule, it is not too much time to stop and celebrate the things that have happened throughout the week. Celebrating your team’s progress involves recognizing the journey that the team has been on. It is essential to celebrate the milestones and the progress that has been made towards the larger goal. Celebrating progress helps the team to stay motivated and engaged by providing a sense of purpose and direction. It also provides a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, which can help the team to stay focused on the end goal.

Recognize your team

It’s good to recognise the people who have contributed to the work getting done as well, to acknowledge them and others who also support and champion the work that you do. Celebrating your team’s achievements is not just about recognizing individual accomplishments, but it is also about recognizing the collective effort. Acknowledging the team’s efforts helps to promote a sense of belonging and teamwork. It also helps to build trust and encourages collaboration. Recognizing the team’s efforts is a powerful way to promote a culture of appreciation and recognition.

Change the tone

I know that when I take the time to review and celebrate progress with my team, it helps to change the tone for myself and for my team. It helps to set the tone for the whole weekend and also for the week ahead. Take a few minutes to take stock and celebrate this work. Celebrating your team’s achievements can change the tone for everyone in the organization. It promotes a positive work environment that is more engaging, motivating, and fulfilling. It helps to create a culture of appreciation, where people feel valued and respected. It can also help to reduce stress and create a more balanced work-life, which can lead to increased productivity and overall job satisfaction. 

Taking the time to acknowledge individual and team efforts, celebrating progress, and recognizing small wins can go a long way in promoting motivation, engagement, and teamwork. Celebrating your team’s achievements is not only about recognizing the output but also about acknowledging the journey that the team has been on. If you want more tips on celebrating your team, reach out to us. Our team is always ready to provide more insights on how to promote a culture of appreciation and recognition in your organization.


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