It’s very easy in our work to just keep doing things the same way that we’ve always done them. The problem with this is it’s hard then to improve on what we do. If we just keep doing things the same way, we’re going to get the same result each time. It’s good to step back and look at how we can make our work simple.

By taking steps to make work simpler and more streamlined, we can be more productive, efficient, and successful in our work. In this blog post, we will explore some steps you can take to simplify your work and achieve better results.

  1. Eliminate

The first one is to completely eliminate something. This could be eliminating a task that is just not necessary anymore. Maybe it was important to do beforehand, but now it’s just not that important. Many of us have tasks on our to-do lists that we’ve been carrying over from day to day, but that we never seem to get around to. These tasks may have been important at one point, but if they’re no longer relevant to our goals or priorities, it’s time to let them go. By doing so, we can free up time and mental energy to focus on the tasks that really matter. It could be eliminating steps in a process. Again, they may have been important to do earlier, but now they just don’t have the same impact. 

  1. Aggregate

The second one is to aggregate. This is particularly important. If you’ve got things in multiple sources, it could be data across multiple systems. Most of us use multiple systems and tools to manage our work, from email to project management software to calendars. However, this can lead to fragmentation and confusion, as we have to switch between different systems to complete our tasks. By aggregating systems, we can streamline our workflow and make it easier to manage our work. For example, we could use a tool that integrates our email, calendar, and task list, so that we can see everything in one place. If you can bring them within one system and aggregate them together, you will save time having to copy and paste data across and wasting lots of time doing manual work that way.

  1. Integrate

The third thing that you can do is to integrate systems together as well as integrate parts of the workflow that are currently disconnected or disjointed, and finding ways to connect them. For example, we might find that we’re manually copying and pasting data from one system to another, which is time-consuming and error-prone. By integrating these systems together, we can automate this process and save time and effort. This is really useful when you have multiple systems that need to be separated and it’s impossible to get everything just into one system completely or very hard to do. So if you can integrate the systems, they will then talk to each other and help to save time, particularly if there’s a direct integration. There are also tools that can be third-party integration tools that help to connect separate tools that don’t have that direct integration as well. 

  1. Automate

The fourth thing you can do is automate. Now, automation is scary for some people and other people are ready to embrace it right away. A lot of this has to do with the ability within a system. Some systems have a lot of opportunities for automation, and typically that works by having a trigger, so something that is going to ping and set off the alert for then the action to take place. So triggers and actions. There are also some third-party tools that can help to automate your work as well. Many tasks can be automated using technology, which can save time and reduce the risk of errors. For example, we might automate the process of sending regular reports by using a tool that automatically generates and sends the reports on a schedule. By automating tasks, we can free up time and mental energy to focus on more complex tasks that require our attention and expertise.

  1. Delegate

And then the fifth way of making work simple is to delegate. Delegation involves assigning tasks to someone else who has the necessary skills and resources to complete them. This can help us to free up time and mental energy to focus on tasks that require our attention and expertise, while also giving others the opportunity to develop their skills and take on more responsibility. Delegation can be a powerful tool for simplifying our work and achieving better results. Now, often this requires quite a lot of time. When you’re delegating, you need to trust the person who you’re passing the work to. You need to make sure that they know what they’re doing and that they’re going to achieve it in the right way and that they have all those skills to do it. So that can be hard. It doesn’t always work. But if it’s done well, if it’s handed over well, if it’s done with the right person, then delegation can be a very effective method.


Making work simple requires taking deliberate steps to eliminate unnecessary tasks, aggregate systems, integrate parts of the workflow, automate tasks, and delegate tasks. By doing so, we can streamline our workflow, save time and mental energy, and achieve better results. It’s important to take the time to evaluate our workflows and identify areas where we can simplify our work and be open to new tools and technologies that can help us achieve our goals. Remember that simplifying our work is not about reducing the quality or impact of our work, but rather about finding ways to be more efficient and effective in achieving our goals.

To find out how you can make work simple, reach out to us and let’s talk about it!


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