A solid internal communication system will get your church team on the same page to collaborate more effectively.
Great communication is the bridge between great teams and great outcomes.
It can be very frustrating when you have so many different inputs, many different modes and channels of communication coming to you; emails, Facebook messages, WhatsApp messages, text messages, phone calls, paper messages, face to face messages. Having many channels adds to the inefficiency of communication.
Communicating over email gets overwhelming very quickly. Communication and work can get lost very easily when you forward emails on and have multiple attachments. It’s very inefficient. It’s a waste of time and resources.
There is a better way. We want you to have great communication with your team.
Implementing a single internal communication system will reduce the number of inputs for your team; your staff, key leaders and volunteers. A single platform dramatically reduces your email by up to 90%. With integrated and embedded files and documents, you remove the need for unnecessary file attachments in email and improves file version control. It is easier to search and find conversations. Onboarding new people into teams and conversations automatically becomes so much easier. No more sporadic updates and forwarding on lots of emails (ouch, thing of the past!) Give direct access to the right channels to the right people and teams.
Another benefit of these internal communication systems is the integration with other apps in your suite (such as Google Suite or Microsoft 365) or third party systems; your task management system, file and data systems, your mailing list and many more useful integrations that will save you hours of manual labour.
I worked with about 20 people in an organisation that heavily relied on email for a long time. Things would get lost, messages and deadlines would get missed. It was hard to find the information that we needed.
We bit the bullet and moved to an internal communication system called Slack. Within two months, the way that we were communicating with each other had significantly changed. Even the most resistant people on the team were really impressed and really engaged with Slack. They enjoyed the ability to thread topics together, set up channels for smaller teams, include attachments, run video meetings and have ongoing conversations. We also found it was great for both formal and informal communication.
There are many internal communication systems available. A few to highlight… Slack is a really well known and respected tool. If Microsoft is your domain, the Teams app is highly functional and easy to use. Google Chat is the new equivalent for Slack in the Google Suite.
How are you communicating with your team at the moment?
Are you using one really solid communication tool or are using too many platforms and channels?
If you need help with getting the right internal communication system in place and helping onboard your team quickly and smoothly, please reach out to us. Investing in the right communication tool will reward you and your team many times over.