You arrive Everyone is here There is the familiar buzz The sights The noise The smells You sit down Hold hands Lock eyes and laugh Share stories and the feast in front of you Open your mouth and satisfy every taste bud The food and drink is flowing The company is happy The party has begun Everything is perfect It’s home It’s family It’s yummy Everything you could ask for But it’s the people And here’s why… There is a shared understanding Years of stories and memories You say a word Or a knowing look And everyone is on it There is implicit trust These people know you Like really know you And you know them The ins and outs The joys and flaws But you love each other There is warmth This is your space Your crew in your hood There is belonging The tradition of the family meal Where culture is implicit and predictable Familiar and free You let your guard down Because you can be you And it is safe



To learn more about how I can help you streamline your organisation:

1. Grab a free copy of the free 18 Epic Solutions guide

Identify the most common crappy tasks and ways to resolve them so that you can get the best out of your team and technology. — Download here

2. Join our DIGITAL FORWARD PROGRAM and transformation your organisation

If you know you need to transform online: I'm working with a few leaders for the next 8 weeks to help them get clarity with their digital strategy to save thousands of hours over $50K in the next year. If you'd like to start this month, shoot me an email with the word FORWARD, and I'll get you all the details.

3. Book a strategy call

If you have outgrown your systems or they are not serving you anymore or they just feel painful, then book in for a free strategy call to get clarity on your goals and arrange your next steps.

4. Work with me and my team privately

If you'd like to work directly with me and my team to save thousands of hours of wasted time each year... just send me a message with the word PRIVATE... tell me a little about your organisation and what you'd like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details.